Parliament Increases Number of High Court Judges To 82
Ms Jane Kibirige, Clerk to Parliament
Parliament passed a resolution to increase the number of High Court judges from 49 to 82 after the former number was found to be inadequate to tackle the ever increasing case backlog.
The resolution to increase the number of judges was passed by Parliament onMarch 28, 2018.
Besides the huge case backlog, Parliament's decision to increase on the number of High Court judges was based on the fact that the current number of judges is fewer in comparison with the litigants, steady increase in crime and conflict.
Other reasons were; increased awareness by the citizens about their rights that has led to a litigious population and increase in the number of files cases.
"Therefore, it is resolved by Parliament that in accordance with Section 13 (b) of Judicature Act, Cap 13, Parliament increases the number of judges of the High Court from 49 to 82, the Principal Judge inclusive." Read in part the resolution of Parliament signed by the Clerk to Parliament, Ms Jane Kibirige dated April 11, 2018.
"I certify that the above resolution was passed by Parliament on Wednesday 28th March 2018." She further affirmed.
Posted 18th, May 2018